
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Yoyo Club

I just recently attended The Yoyo Club. I was very nervous in going to this club because I had no idea what it was going to be like. I had put it off for a couple weeks now but I finally built up the courage to go, and I am very happy that I did. I was expecting there to be a lot of people there of all different skill levels but only a couple people showed up. I had watched videos of people yoyoing but I had never seen good yoyoing first hand before. I was very impressed with the skill level some of these people had, it was mind blowing to watch. It also encouraged me to keep it up because it is possible to get better. I asked questions and they were very open to helping me out and answering my questions. My hope is to attend this club whenever they meet and ask more questions about the troubles I'm having and progress faster than I have been. All together I am very happy that I went to The Yoyo Club, talked about my project with them, and learned what I needed to progress.


  1. Way to go, Sarah! New experiences and meeting new people always involves effort and some anxiety. I'm thrilled that you overcame your nerves and had a positive experience. Videos are important tools to support learning, but relationships can be more effective because they offer individual instruction and encouragement. Thank you for sharing your anxiety and success.

  2. Sarah,
    Your project is so unique- I like it!
    I'm intrigued by this Yoyo club, it seems like a great resource for you. How did you hear about it?


  3. Thanks Naomi! When I started this project, I was just looking at yoyo related stuff on the internet and the Yoyo Club came up! Mr. Hazeu also told me about it so I thought I'd give it a try!
